I would never purchase this print on modern sheets. I'm really not into floral. But like most of my favorite things, this is nostalgia. I inherited by Great-Grandmother's bed linens (for some reason) and OH MY GOD. Bitches knew how to make sheets back in the day. You know how contemporary sheets get all pill-y after awhile? Not Pequot sheets! These things have been around for like a million years and instead of getting pills they just get silkier. They're cotton, BTW. I've slept on these continually since I was 14 or thereabouts. I bring one with me when I travel because I hate hotel bed linen. They've been to six countries and they just keep getting better. I only have four, and unfortunately they're twin size (my least favorite bed size) but I use them anyway. Though recent'y I've begun hunting down the same pattern on ebay and the like. My collection is growing! My future husband is just going to have to deal because I don't ever want to sleep on anything else.
I'm sure your future husband will deal just fine :)